Complicated transducer array setup

The setup shown here is a doublesided array where the two halves are standing vertically 3 cm above a reflecting surface.

In this example no optimization is done, but all optimization functions support complex arrangements like this one.

import numpy as np
import levitate

Reflections from planar reflections are handled as a transducer object. In this case, we wrap a CircularPiston object, to include some directivity as well.

transducer = levitate.transducers.TransducerReflector(
    levitate.transducers.CircularPiston, effective_radius=3e-3,
    plane_intersect=(0, 0, 0), plane_normal=(0, 0, 1))

The transducer array is created by using the DoublesidedArray class, which takes the type of array to use as the singlesided template as one of the inputs.

array = levitate.arrays.DoublesidedArray(
    levitate.arrays.RectangularArray, separation=200e-3,
    normal=(1, 0, 0), offset=(0, 0, 50e-3),
    shape=(5, 10), transducer=transducer

We visualize the sound pressure field, as well as the velocity magnitude field.

phases = array.focus_phases(np.array([25e-3, 0, 40e-3]))
amps = levitate.complex(phases)
array.visualize.zlimits = (0, 0.1)